Bell Bottom

Bell Bottom film is going to be released on 19th August 2021, but that means today millions of people are excited to see this film.

Bell Bottom

In the film, we see Akshay Kumar in a dam dashing form and Vaani Kapoor is said to be his girlfriend.
Vaani kapoor and Akshay Kumar

This film is based on India and Pakistan before 1980, in which we have been told

How Pakistan was behind every time India's air plane was hijacked

Also, at the beginning of the film, we have been told romantic songs, which he was singing on trending, in the song, Vaani Kapoor and Akshay Kumar have been told.

If we talk about the film here, then you will get the role of Akshay Kumar in the film as it has been told in the film Baby and Holiday.

The film is related to the old incident, in this we have been told how the people of Pakistan try to destroy the plan of India but

He is not able to hide the plan, he must have seen the trailer of the film himself, in which we have been shown a lot of scene of airplanes.

Bell Bottom download

If we talk about the rest, in this film of Akshay Kumar, you will also be told some comedy scenes and Akshay Kumar's absolutely player style will also be told.

This film should have been released on 15th August now because this film is based on Freedom so there is no problem.

You can watch this movie in your nearest cinema hall or you can also watch it on hoster at home.

We will give you your bell bottom download link for 2 days, then stay connected with our blog